Sunday, January 4, 2015

Show and Snow

The girls and I just got back from a performance titled "Count the Stars."  A musical by a local all-women's theater group called "Raise Your Spirits," which dramatized the  life of Avraham and Sarah in a musical.  Tiferet and Shoshana both had friends in the show and they added three extra shows because it was so popular (good for me because the date tonight was better for us...).  It was very well done and a little over half way through, Shoshana leaned over to me and whispered, "Is this a musical?"  I whispered back, "Yes" and she said, "Oh, that explains all the songs..."

The audience was also all women and girls, some of whom had beautiful voices and they also included many humorous bits, so it was really fun.  The only part I got really emotional was in the Lech Lecha scene, thinking mostly about how the kids had left everything they had known (almost), friends, school, familiarity, comfort, etc. and gone to "the land that I will show you," kind of like Avraham.   (Someone held up a sign with the little Waze icon, wearing a head dress :) Thankfully the play ended with the weaning of Yitzchak so they didn't have to deal with some of the more difficult bits that follow!   After it was over everyone sang HaTikvah and Ani Maamin and it was moving for me.  The show had laid out the foundations of why we're here and then I look around the audience and see the descendants that Avraham and Sarah hoped for.  And then of course I wondered what it would have been like for Avraham's other children to be in the audience.

Snow is predicted for Wednesday and Thursday and most people seem a combination of excited and nervous.  Chatter on the Facebook and email groups about where to buy propane, kerosene, coats and boots and plastic sleds.  Strategizing about how to get home if it starts while family is at work or school.  Contingency plans for meetings, etc.  The idea of having a quiet vacation day with the beauty of snow sounds really appealing to everyone!  Last year Neve Daniel (about 1000 meters over sea level, higher even than Jerusalem) got a major snow storm and was effectively shut down for almost a week.  * Addendum:  I got the shopping done yesterday but was in line for over half an hour.  The place was packed.  They had not yet run out of food, so I have plenty of milk, eggs, bread, etc, but I was so relieved to get home...

I let the kids (and myself) sleep late since we got back late from the play but now I need to get everyone to school and go to the supermarket to stock up for the storm :)

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