Monday, November 24, 2014


OK, Two more weeks!

As has become the sad norm, the media brings horrifying news and images alongside examples of humanity and kindness.  The juxtapositions of these form the backdrop to what normal looks like here.  I choose hope because the alternative is too terrible and perhaps because I am naive.   In any case, I have learned that the appropriate response to tragedy is action and I am trying to figure out what action is called for here and now.  I met this morning with Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger of Alon Shvut who is a cofounder of the Roots project ( and whose network includes people from several different organizations.  We discussed several interesting ideas and I felt good about the meeting. My central thought moving forward is to learn more about what we already know regarding effective conflict resolution strategies (one can obtain an academic degree in this discipline, clearly there is a substantive body of literature that is important to explore) and to avoid investing in "preaching to the choir" since they're not the problem... It struck me how much more evolved the Bay Area is in certain respects than here, and I wonder how much we can learn and borrow from the culture there that encourages such awareness both of self and other.

In more personal Dardik news, we have begun the construction process and we are enjoying the open feeling.  I am looking forward to the floor tiles being replaced and having a real gas range, though having Tamar's two-burner portable electric unit is a step up from my one-burner unit which gave out a couple weeks ago.   As you can see in the pictures, Hillel has been an enthusiastic helper and is enjoying our indoor sandbox...


We had another round of minor colds, etc. and earned a visit to the medical center because of fever and ear pain.  No medical assistants, just when people leave the doctor's office, that's your cue to walk in.  And if you make your appointment online, you may or may not get the doctor with whom you had booked your appointment because he might be in Beitar that day.  We were advised to make appointments on the phone if the specific doctor was important.  Noted.  

After a week of glorious weather last week we are back to rain, which we need and is a great blessing.  Shoshana and Hodayah each have little cheapo umbrellas which they are excited to take to school with them on rainy days.  Hillel loves the enormous puddle we have in our front yard.  I see it and think, drainage engineering needed!  He sees it and thinks, SPLASH!   I have a cute video too but can't get the email to go through. 

I got a small job helping my former high school principal arrange his visits to various programs here. I am glad about that because I am happy to be doing something supportive for them and it's nice for me to feel that I am doing something productive besides housework and childcare (not to knock the importance of those, it's just a different type of feeling accomplished).  I should actually probably be doing that instead of writing now during Hillel's nap but it's been two weeks and I don't want to let more time than that elapse without an update or people might stop checking in :).  

We were in the Old City two Shabboses ago with the Yeshiva and that was pleasant and easy for me.  We were put up in an apartment very close to the Yeshiva that was clearly outfitted for large Shomer Shabbat families.  I counted beds and mattresses and found that a family of 13 could stay comfortably and there was grape juice for kiddush in the fridge, liquid soap in all the bathrooms, torn paper, shabbos candles set up, etc.  It felt very welcoming.  On our way back home, we stopped at Kenyon Hadar in Talpiyot (Kenyon= mall, from the root k.n.h. meaning "acquire" or "purchase".  We discussed the difference between a "kenyon" and a "canyon" which had been the source of some confusion for the younger children).  Mostly because we could, we got pizza and sushi.  I think that was a first for us -- our family eating at a mall!  

This Thursday we are going to my brother's place in Modiin for Thanksgiving dinner.  My sister and her son will be there too along with my stepfather (my mother is in the States until early next month).  I think that my brother's family has been waiting for years to be able to have all of us together (next year, B"H, with my mom too).  Shameless showing off:  Here's a picture of my nephew Yarden on his second birthday (just last week, so he's exactly 3 months older than Hillel) and the unbelieveable cake his mom/ my SIL made for him:

Okay, I think that's got to be it for now, I miss you and I'm sorry I don't get to call and write more often.  The 10 hour time difference is hard, because once I get the kids off to school there is a small window of time before I go next door for class (if I am not driving kids to school who, ahem, missed the bus.  Again.) and then when everyone on the West Coast is waking up I am doing the evening routine until I am so tired I just have to go to sleep.  Some things never change!  Until kids go to college :)   Mazal tov to Shoshana and Jeremy and Rochelle and Lorne, we are so thrilled at the news of Shira Rina's arrival!  Lots of brachot to all of you.


  1. I love seeing the photos! Hillel looks like he's loving the construction.

  2. Keep writing, I love the updates! Leah misses Hodayah, so she's already trying to convince us to plan a visit to Israel in the next year or so. I love Hillel's OHDS shirt, while he is puddle jumping!
