Friday, September 19, 2014


Well, I am pleased to report that on the kids-getting-more-comfortable-with-school front, we have progress.   Not that everyone is now delighted to get up at 6:30 and go off to class, but I think we have gone most if not all of the week with no tears and when I asked someone after school how the day was she said, brightly, "good!' and then corrected herself.  Not good, just not bad.  Alright.  Another said that it's "getting better."  I'll take it.  I did speak with the principal at one school and the homeroom teacher, school counselor and vice principal at the other.  Everyone was very caring and responsive and I am glad I made those calls.  Also over the last couple weeks were everyone's Back to School Nights which they call "Parent meetings" here.  It is not simple for me to be out of the house at night but it's all done now until next year :)

Yesterday we moved forward one square on the game board of getting our driver's licenses here by getting to the DMV and getting our forms stamped.  In other mundane progress news, the washing machine was delivered.  It (along with one dishwasher, currently sitting in my dining room) will get installed on Monday, B"H, and while I am very grateful to Shimona for allowing us free access to her laundry room I expect to be very happy to have a machine in my own house.  And here, my laundry room is on the second floor (where laundry is generated) instead of the basement, so that's a small lifestyle upgrade.

Shoshana needed new sandals and we couldn't find anything in Efrat or Kfar Etzion (only local shoe places) so we went into Yerushalayim to the Hadar Mall in Talpiyot and found a fine pair of Hush Puppies on end of the season sale, so that's done too, and it was educational to see what is available pretty close by for shopping.  Apparently, they just opened an "Osher Ad" in that mall, which is reputed to be sort of like Costco, so I look forward to checking that out.

I noticed that the parking lot had painted posters of, what should I call them -- lifestyle PSAs?  I will put some pictures at the bottom so you can see; signs advocating patience and kindness, cooperation, etc.  It felt like a community building move and I wonder who's in charge of putting them there.  Locally, there are also signs on the side of the highway encouraging safe driving that read, "On the road, everyone is equal" and "We make peace on the streets" in both Hebrew and Arabic.

While I was driving home from a birthday party yesterday and we were sitting in a long line of cars waiting our turn through the traffic circle (commonly used here in place of traffic lights), a woman in the van next to me motioned to me to roll down my window.  She said that someone in her car recognized ours and are we going to Neve Daniel?  Yes.  She has a passenger who needs to go there but she is in a hurry, would I mind taking her?  Sure.  So we pulled over at the next bus stop and the girl got into my car and away we went.   I am trying to avoid making Johnny-come-lately anthropological pronouncements, but the world feels smaller to me here, I just can't imagine that happening in Oakland.

On Wednesday night, the Yishuv hosted an opening evening for a community "Time Bank."  The idea is that people volunteer their time and then get the same amount of time in return from someone else in the system.  So someone could teach piano and get a French lesson, or bake challah and get a massage, etc.  Part of the evening was sitting around a table with about 7-10 people and talking about activities you enjoy doing and that you might like to offer.  So it was fun getting to know the people at my table!  The fellow who started it said that part of his motivation was to help build a sense of community because even though he and his father were both born and raised in Jerusalem, he would walk the streets and feel that he didn't know anybody.  Now, because of the Time Bank, he knows hundreds of people and is constantly being greeted on the street.  I signed up -- we'll see what comes of it.   (You can Google "Time Bank."  I just looked and saw that there are two in Oakland, one established and one startup).

Last night was one of the semi-annual blood drives and the mobile unit was donated by folks in New Rochelle, so, Shelley, I took a picture for you :)

My nephew is coming for Shabbat and Judah has run in to get him from Yerushalayim and we are going to be with Shimona and family for dinner again; that has become our routine.  The custom here seems to be that people host for lunches but take Friday nights as family time.  We are having lunch with a lovely family who has a daughter in Tiferet's class; we have been getting lots of invitations for Shabbat and Yom Tov meals and while I look forward to having my kitchen fixed up, I am glad to be enjoying a long break from making Shabbos.   We will be with Judah's Yeshiva for Rosh Hashana (more not cooking for me!) and I am looking forward to meeting his students and colleagues and having Yom Tov in the Old City.

Wishing everyone a sweet Shabbat and Shana Tova!

Thee text reads "Don't be wise with words, but with deeds."

A pasuk from Tehillim, "Don't forsake me when I am old, when my strength is gone, don't leave me."

Never prevent hope from someone; it may be all he has.

Never miss the chance to tell someone you love him/her

Hillel shops for shoko!  Milk now comes in cartons and plastic jugs as well, but it used to come only in one liter bags.  The little bags of chocolate milk are still very popular and Hillel loves them!  The girls take one in their lunches every day and Hillel begs for me to open the fridge so he can help himself.  Then he hands me his bag so I can bite off the end and he takes it from there.  I get his leftovers :)

Mobile blood unit donated by YINR

Our last pomegranate.  We will harvest right before Rosh Hashana and take it with us to Yerushalayim.

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